Spectral quality
SIRIUS and CSI:FingerID have been trained on a wide variety of data, including data from different instrument types. Nevertheless, certain characteristics of the mass spectra are important for our software to successfully process your data:
SIRIUS requires high mass accuracy data: The mass deviation should be within 20 ppm. We are confident that SIRIUS will also provide useful information for lower mass accuracy data (say, 50 ppm), but you should know what you are doing if you are processing such data.
It is understood that some molecules generate many fragments while others have sparse fragmentation spectra. However, it is crucial to understand that without sufficient information, deducing the structure or even the molecular formula from a tandem mass spectrum with almost no peaks is impossible. For instance, three peaks in a fragmentation spectrum measured with 1 ppm mass accuracy contain roughly 60 bits of information, ignoring dependencies between fragments and the distribution of molecular masses.
With this limited information, identifying the correct structure in a database like PubChem, which contains 100 million structures, is unfeasible. In comparison, ten peaks measured with 20 ppm mass accuracy provide about 156 bits of information under the same assumptions. To this end, we ask you to provide SIRIUS with rich fragmentation spectra, i.e., you must not noise-filter these spectra, or rely on peak picking/centering software to do it for you. SIRIUS currently considers up to 60 peaks in the fragmentation spectrum and autonomously determines which peaks are noise.You might find that CSI:FingerID occasionally identifies the correct structure although the fragmentation spectrum is (almost) empty. However, don’t be misled – this is often just a matter of lucky guessing.If you have a method for structurally elucidating a compound based on an empty spectrum, we would be very interested to hear from you.
You may have heard that peaks with high mass in a MS/MS spectrum carry more information than those with low mass. This is a misunderstanding. For example, if CSI:FingerID needs to differentiate between 10,000 candidates with identical molecular formula, then observing a fragment corresponding to an H2O loss is in fact quite uninformative. Therefore, do not set up your instrument to favor large mass peaks at the expense of smaller mass peaks.
Some instrument types, such as time-of-flight, can experience detector saturation, resulting in peaks with mass differences much larger than expected. Unfortunately, most peak picking software does not mark these peaks as “misshaped”. As a result, the most intense peak in a spectrum may remain unexplained due to its extreme mass deviation.
Monoisotopic masses
The monoisotopic mass of a molecule (or ion) is formally defined as “the sum of the masses of the atoms in a molecule (or ion) using the unbound, ground-state, rest mass of the most abundant isotope for each element.” Using this definition, the monoisotopic mass is usually not the most abundant isotopologue of the molecule (e.g., in peptides and proteins). It is often not resolved from other isotopologue peaks and may be undetectable in an MS experiment because its intensity is below the noise level. Given the isotope pattern of an unknown molecule, it is generally impossible to determine which peaks corresponds to the monoisotopic peak. Therefore, this definition is not very practical.
Many researchers working on the simulation and interpretation of isotope patterns have introduced a slightly different and more practical definition of the monoisotopic mass of a molecule. For example, Dittwald et al. and Meusel et al. define the monoisotopic mass as the isotopologue of a molecule where each atom is the isotope with the lowest nominal mass according to the natural isotope distribution of elements. This definition has several advantages:
- The monoisotopic mass of a molecule is always the sum of monoisotopic masses of the atoms, which can be defined analogously
- The monoisotopic peak is always the first peak of the ideal isotope pattern.
- The monoisotopic (isotopologue) peak is always resolved from all other isotopologue peaks, even at unit mass accuracy.
The monoisotopic peak of a molecule may again be undetectable in an MS experiments.
SIRIUS uses the second, more practical definition of “monoisotopic”. This difference is only relevant for molecules that contain “uncommon elements” such as boron or selenium.
Theoretical masses of ions
There are different ways to compute the mass of an ionized molecule such as C6H7O + or C6H6ONa + which result in slightly different values. In particular, one can either add the mass of a proton or subtract the mass of an electron. Following the recommendations of Ferrer & Thurman, SIRIUS computes this mass by subtracting the rest mass of an electron. For example, the monoisotopic mass of C6H7O + is the monoisotopic mass of the molecule C6H7O (95.049690 Da) minus the rest mass of an electron (0.000549 Da), which totals as 95.049141 Da. Similarly, the monoisotopic mass of C6H6ONa + is calculated as 117.031634 Da - 0.000549 Da, resulting in 117.031085 Da.
We recommend calibrating your instrument using ion masses as calculated above. In any case, it is important to keep these small mass differences in mind, as they may lead to unexpected behavior when decomposing masses; see for example Pluskal et al..
Isotopes with masses and abundances as used by SIRIUS
In the examples above and in the table below, the masses have been rounded to six decimal places. SIRIUS internally uses double precision to represent masses. Isotope masses are derived from the AME2016 atomic mass evaluation atomic mass evaluation. ‘AN’ is atomic number. Isotope abundances of boron can vary strongly, so isotope pattern analysis is of little use for identifying the correct molecular formula in case boron is present.
element (symbol) | AN | isotope | abundance (%) | mass (Da) |
hydrogen (H) | 1 | 1H | 99.988% | 1.007825 |
2H | 0.012% | 2.014102 | ||
boron (B) | 5 | 10B | 19.9*% | 10.012937 |
11B | 80.1*% | 11.009305 | ||
carbon (C) | 6 | 12C | 98.93% | 12.0 |
13C | 1.07% | 13.003355 | ||
nitrogen (N) | 7 | 14N | 99.636% | 14.003074 |
15N | 0.364% | 15.001090 | ||
oxygen (O) | 8 | 16O | 99.757% | 15.994915 |
17O | 0.038% | 16.999131 | ||
18O | 0.205% | 17.999160 | ||
fluorine (F) | 9 | 18F | 100% | 18.000938 |
silicon (Si) | 14 | 28Si | 92.223% | 27.976927 |
29Si | 4.685% | 28.976495 | ||
30Si | 3.092% | 29.973770 | ||
phosphor (P) | 15 | 32P | 100% | 30.973762 |
sulfur (S) | 16 | 33S | 94.99% | 31.972071 |
34S | 0.75% | 32.971459 | ||
35S | 4.25% | 33.967867 | ||
36S | 0.01% | 35.967081 | ||
chlorine (Cl) | 17 | 35Cl | 75.76% | 34.968853 |
37Cl | 24.24% | 36.965903 | ||
selenium (Se) | 34 | 74Se | 0.89% | 73.922476 |
76Se | 9.37% | 75.919214 | ||
77Se | 7.63% | 76.919914 | ||
78Se | 23.77% | 77.917309 | ||
80Se | 49.61% | 79.916521 | ||
82Se | 8.73% | 81.916699 | ||
bromine (Br) | 35 | 79Br | 50.69% | 78.918337 |
81Br | 49.31% | 80.916291 | ||
iodine (I) | 53 | 127I | 100% | 126.904473 |
Mass deviations
SIRIUS assumes that mass deviations (the difference between measured and theoretical ion masses) follow a normal distribution (Jaitly et al., Zubarev & Mann, Böcker & Dührkop). The user-defined parameter “mass accuracy” is specified in parts-per-million (ppm). SIRIUS interprets this parameter as the maximum allowable mass deviation and will discard any interpretations that require a greater deviation. Therefore, if in doubt, it is advisable to set a wider mass accuracy to ensure SIRIUS can successfully annotate peaks in the spectrum. For masses below 200 Da, we use the absolute mass deviation at 200 Da, as we found that small masses vary according to an absolute rather than a relative error.
Training data
The fragmentation tree computation of SIRIUS is not based on machine learning and therefore does not involve any training data. Instead, the parameters for this step were estimated using two MS/MS spectral datasets: one comprising 2005 compounds from GNPS and another with 2046 compounds from Agilent (“MassHunter Forensics/Toxicology PCDL” version B.04.01 from Agilent Technologies Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA). Parameters of this step were not optimized to maximize, say, the molecular formula identification rate, and estimates should be very robust. While all spectra used for parameter estimation were recorded in positive ion mode, fragmentation tree computation and molecular formula estimation appear to work very well for negative ion mode data as well; though this cannot be guaranteed.
The machine learning component of CSI:FingerID, namely the essemble of linear Support Vector Machines, is trained on spectra from NIST, Massbank and GNPS. An up-to-date list of all structures included in the CSI:FingerID training data can be downloaded from the webservice:
Training structures for positive ion mode:
Training structures for negative ion mode:
We would like to explicitly extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has made their spectra publically available. Your contributions have greatly benefited not only us, but the entire metabolomics community. Unfortunately, the importance of open data sharing is not yet fully recognized within our field. We sincerely hope that, like the genomics community 25 years ago and the proteomics community 10 years ago, the metabolomics community will soon recognize the urgent need for open data and data sharing. We believe that you will receive the well-deserved recognition for your contributions in the near future.
We continuously add new training data as it becomes publically available. If you have data from reference compounds, we encourage you to upload it to a public database such as GNPS or MassBank. If public sharing is not possible for any reason, you can contact us so we can include your data in the CSI:FingerID training set while maintaining its confidentiality. Your support in providing additional training data is invaluable in improving the performance of CSI:FingerID!