Since SIRIUS 5, a license is required to use the webservice-based features of SIRIUS.

Non-webservice-based features include molecular formula annotation using fragmentation trees and isotope pattern analysis. Fragmentation tree computation and isotope pattern analysis are performed on your local computer and do not require license. Be aware that molecular formula annotation using database search requires a web service connection.

Webservice-based features include all advanced structure elucidation features, such as structure database search with CSI:FingerID, compound class prediction with CANOPUS and de novo structure generation with MSNovelist. These and future features will remain free for academic use provided/hosted by the FSU Jena. Bright Giant GmbH offers SIRIUS web service hosting for non-academic users.

Account creation and login

User accounts can be created directly from the user portal. Enter your name and your institutional (not personal) email address and choose a password for your account. Verify your email address with the link sent to your inbox.

NOTE: In case you are not receiving emails from our system, please check your spam folder and/or ask your IT team whether the address is blocked by your institution’s spam detection system.

Create new account in the user portal.

After logging into the user portal, you can request a license.

In the SIRIUS GUI, open Account in the top-right toolbar and click Log in to enter your account credentials and login.

To login from the CLI, use the following command:

sirius login -u <email> -p

See sirius login --help for details.

NOTE: When logging in, SIRIUS retrieves a long-lived refresh_token that will be stored until it is invalidated by logging out. Your username and password are never stored locally. Read more about Security and Data Usage.

Academic users

Access to the academic license is automatically granted based on the domain of your institutional email address. You must use your institutional email address for your SIRIUS account to benefit from free academic licenses.

The FSU Jena maintains an allow list of academic/non-profit intuitions/organizations. However, such a list will never be complete. If your institution does not have access but you think it should, request an academic license [1] in the user portal, providing information to identify your institution, including the official email domain, website and a short description what kind of institution you are requesting an academic license for (publishing and educational activities) [2]. We will perform a manual validation and grant your institution access if it meets the academic license requirements.

Create new account in the user portal.

Non-academic users

Please contact Bright Giant by email for quotes and pricing.